Get Involved

Sing with us

We have two fabulous concerts planned this season. On December 14, our “Heaven and Nature Sing!” holiday concert will feature indigenous artist Nicole Joy-Fraser and a focus on the natural world. And on May 3, our “Baroque ‘n’ Roll” concert will feature baroque music and the music it inspired. We’ll also participate in the Capital Region Music Fest, and we’ll plan other workshops, weekend retreats, and socials!

Castenchel members are a fun group of local singers who love to sing, laugh and learn! It’s our motto! We have varying musical backgrounds; there is no audition for new members, but the Director may hold placement sessions to make sure members sing in the section that is best suited to them.

We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at La Fab sur Mill, at 8 Mill Road in Chelsea. In addition to regular rehearsals, choir members are also offered periodic workshops with professional singers and musicians to help us continue to improve our choral skills and develop our musical understanding. 

The choral season extends from the beginning of September to the middle of May. For the 2024-2025 season, members fees are $170 per semester, payable in September and January. You can try us out for free to see if it’s right for you!

Email for information.

Support us in other ways


Castenchel is always looking for volunteers to support our concerts and other events.

Email for information.

Make a donation

The Chelsea Foundation is now accepting donations for its “Cultural Fund” on the Canada Helps website, and Castenchel can apply for these funds to help support our community activities. You will receive an instant tax receipt for your donation!

To donate, please go to the Chelsea Foundation landing page on the Canada Helps website, choose “Cultural Fund” from the drop down menu, and indicate your preference that the donation be directed to Castenchel Choir.


We work with local businesses to sponsor our concerts, and in turn we provide them with community exposure including a full-colour ad in our program, inclusion in our advertising, prominent placement on our website, free tickets to our concert, and public acknowledgement at the concert as well. Our concerts are often sold out events at favourite locales in the MRC des Collines, including the Wakefield Community Centre and St-Stephen’s Church, so it is a great opportunity to connect with the community.

Email for information.


We also provide local businesses with the opportunity to advertise in our concert programs and on our website.

Our advertising rates for 2024/2025.

Email for information.